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vibrator women 추천 상품 리스트 TOP 6
Roybro 바이비 미니 진동기 지압 안마기 마사지기 다용도 핸디형 지압봉 기구 여성 남성
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미니안마기- 얼굴 팔 다리 허벅지 다용도 안마기 작은사이즈의 강한진동 미니안마기 휴대용안마기 핸디형
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vibrator women 관련 정보
(Almost) Everything You Know About the Invention of the Vibrator Is Wrong
Attempts to control women’s sexuality are based in part on the same beliefs that undergird the vibrator myth: that because women don’t understand their own sexuality they should not be the ones in control of it. It makes women seem ignorant, passive and easily duped by…
출처 : The New York Times
After the Election, a Call for Women to Swear Off Men
Following the results of Tuesday’s election, Jada Mevs, a 25-year-old living in Washington, D.C., is encouraging women to take action by signing up for a self-defense class, deleting dating apps, getting on birth control and investing in a vibrator. As a response to Donald…
출처 : The New York Times
Sex Ed, One Instagram Post at a Time
Unlike the other platforms, Mauj has also developed a product, a vibrator designed for Arab women who value modesty as much as sexual desire. For the sake of discretion, it resembles a tear drop and it fits in the palm of a hand. Vibrators are not openly sold in Arab…
출처 : The New York Times
Can You Optimize an Orgasm?
The data is generated by her vibrator, the Lioness, which measures her arousal and uploads information about her orgasm patterns to the… particularly women — the glimmering promise of a fully optimized life. They’ve also introduced some pitfalls. Devices that collect…
출처 : The New York Times
TV and Movies Are Finally Celebrating Older Women
Winslet, 45, had something in common with the night’s other winning women. There was Hannah Waddingham, 47, from “Ted Lasso,” and… Not long after, “Grace and Frankie,” a comedy about two vibrator-designing octogenarians, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, became a hit…
출처 : The New York Times
The Year Women Got ‘Horny’
Good Vibrations, the pioneering, women-friendly sex-toy retailer, was founded in San Francisco in 1977. Twenty years later, vibrator shopping was depicted as a healthy and normal element of female sexuality on an episode of “Sex and the City,” and then another 20 years…
출처 : The New York Times
Men? Maybe Not.
Online, women are exhorting one another to abandon men as a form of self-protection — buying a vibrator, or even a gun, might not be a bad idea either, a few suggested. It is just one reaction among many from left-leaning women, who are far from united in what to do or how…
출처 : The New York Times
Bloomingdale’s, Sephora and the Embrace of Sexual Wellness
to women. It’s a significant evolution in the public acceptance of such products, helped in part by celebrity endorsements, and it… a vibrator last year. “Seeing Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop take the lead in this category made it feel brand right for us, so I give her a…
출처 : The New York Times
Gwyneth Paltrow Is Selling Vibrators
There are celebrities who’ve signed on to vibrator companies to help promote them. It’s wonderful that visible, strong, popular women are saying: “This is OK. This is not shameful and you are not shameful.” Goop has definitely been a partner in forging that path and…
출처 : The New York Times
10 common fibs women tell about sex
5. I’ve never faked an orgasm. 6. I never watch porn. 7. I don’t masturbate. 8. I don’t even own a vibrator, let alone use one. 9. I only even think about having sex with you. 10. I’m having more sex than you are — I’m single and you’re married.
출처 : 코리아타임스
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